QNRT Practitioner
Nancy is a career-long Health Care Professional. In addition to being a certified QNRT practitioner, Nancy is a Registered Nurse with a Psychiatric Certification, has a B.S. in Psychology, and is Certified in Functional Medicine, Healing Touch, Reiki and Aromatherapy.
Described as energetic, compassionate, intuitive and engaging, Nancy is committed to a holistic health approach to life. Nancy focuses on how as individuals, we can achieve and sustain a healthier, happier, more productive life, both mentally and physically. Her current work with QNRT, is a natural extension of her interest in people; as they relate past and present, to the people and structures in their lives.
Nancy firmly believes the key to a healthier life lies in achieving a better balance between mind and body. QNRT is uniquely designed to assist people in establishing a stronger balance by lessening, and then shedding, the adverse hold past traumas (emotional and physical) have on their lives. As Nancy often states, “Balance your brain, balance your life.”